NEIRO 价格分析:吕布的西驰马已完成分发?
2024-11-23 16:26:52
如果你以为 $NEIRO 又要起飞了,那你可能错了。我个人认为,尼罗现在已经处于组织派货完毕的阶段。持有当前 Neiro 价格的大多数人是那些连续 3 波之后进入并等待积极回调至 2xxx 区域的人。至少从现在到11月底,这种回调不太可能发生,因为市场上 Neiro 产品的数量非常多。日交易量如此活跃,机构很难像代币上市第一阶段那样持货并产生神奇的Pump!
趋势方面,预计会横盘,在 12xx-16xx 区间波动,偶尔到 17xx 可能会破位,但很快就会被卖完。17xx-19xx 区域货量仍然比较大。我正在等待“西驰马”返回银河 2.0,但说实话,在组织完成分发的情况下,这非常困难!
我正在等待 ALT SEASON 的到来,但我认为至少在圣诞节之后它会比预期来得晚。西驰马直到最后都无法变成独角兽。
Thanks for the insightful analysis! Interesting take on NEIRO's current state and the challenges for a significant price pump. I'll be keeping an eye on the 12xx-16xx range.
Thanks for the insightful analysis! I'll be watching the 12xx-16xx range closely. Interesting take on the distribution phase and ALT season timing.
Thanks for the insightful analysis! Interesting perspective on NEIRO's current state and the challenges for a significant price increase. I'll be keeping an eye on the 12xx-16xx range.
Thanks for the insightful analysis on $NEIRO's current state and future outlook. I'm particularly interested in your take on the alt season timing.